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Waarom voelt een dagcrème met SPF vaak stugger aan?

Waarom voelt een dagcrème met SPF vaak stugger aan?

Dagcrèmes zijn een belangrijk onderdeel van onze dagelijkse huidverzorgingsroutine. Ze hydrateren, voeden en beschermen de huid tegen schadelijke invloeden van buitenaf. Eén van de eigenschappen van een dagcrème is de smeerbaarheid, hoe prettig de crème over de huid verspreidt. Maar je hebt vast gemerkt dat dagcrèmes met SPF (zonbeschermingsfactor) vaak iets stugger aanvoelen en lastiger uitsmeren op de huid. Hoe komt dit eigenlijk?De smeerbaarheid van een dagcrème wordt beïnvloed door verschillende factoren:Consistentie van de emulgatoren: Emulgatoren zijn stoffen die ervoor zorgen dat water en olie zich goed mengen tot een stabiele emulsie. In een dagcrème zijn ze cruciaal voor de textuur en de smeerbaarheid. Lipiden (vetten): De samenstelling van de vetten en oliën in de crème beïnvloedt de smeerbaarheid sterk. Zwaardere oliën, zoals sheaboter, maken de crème rijker en zorgen voor een vettiger gevoel, terwijl lichtere oliën zoals jojoba-olie of abrikozenpitolie een zijdezacht effect geven. De combinatie van zware en lichte oliën in de Vitamine dagcrème van BAKR&BERG zorgen voor een optimale smeerbaarheid. Waterfase vs. oliefase: Dagcrèmes zijn vaak O/W-emulsies (olie-in-water), waarbij de olie fijn verdeeld is in water. Dit type emulsie is lichter en beter smeerbaar dan W/O-emulsies (water-in-olie), die vaak vetter en moeilijker te verspreiden zijn. De crèmes van BAKR&BERG zijn zorgvuldig ontwikkeld als O/W emulsies, wat bijdraagt aan de gewenste samenstelling en smeerbaarheid. Verdikkingsmiddelen en stabilisatoren: Om de stabiliteit van de UV-filters te waarborgen en de effectiviteit te optimaliseren, worden vaak verdikkingsmiddelen en stabilisatoren aan de formulering toegevoegd. Hoewel deze hulpstoffen cruciaal zijn voor de stabiliteit, kunnen ze de smeerbaarheid van het product beïnvloeden.De Rol van UV-Filters in de Consistentie:Er zijn twee soorten UV-filters die in dagcrèmes worden gebruikt: chemische (organische) filters en fysische (anorganische) filters.Chemische filters: Deze filters absorberen UV-stralen en zetten deze om in warmte. Hoewel chemische filters vaak minder invloed hebben op de smeerbaarheid dan fysische filters, kunnen ze de consistentie van de crème iets dikker maken.Fysische filters: Deze filters werken als een fysieke barrière op de huid en weerkaatsen UV-stralen. Deze filters hebben een grotere moleculaire structuur en kunnen de crème stroever maken, waardoor het moeilijker wordt om gelijkmatig aan te brengen. Fysische filters hebben een grotere moleculaire structuur, wat kan leiden tot een stroevere textuur, waardoor het moeilijker wordt om de crème gelijkmatig aan te brengen. Dit kan resulteren in het stuggere gevoel.In de Vitamine Booster dagcrème van BAKR&BERG worden de volgende zonnefilters gebruikt: Bis-Ethylhexyloxyphenol Methoxyphenyl Triazine (Tinosorb S), Methylene Bis-Benzotriazolyl Tetramethylbutylphenol (nano) (Tinosorb M) en Ethylhexyl Triazone. Deze zonnefilters bieden sterke bescherming zonder de huid te irriteren: Tinosorb S: Beschermt tegen zowel UV-A als UV-B, wordt niet door de huid opgenomen, veroorzaakt geen vrije radicalen of hormonale verstoringen, en heeft antioxidante en ontstekingsremmende eigenschappen.⁠Tinosorb M: Biedt bescherming tegen zowel UV-A als UV-B. Dit nanofilter hecht goed aan de huid, veroorzaakt geen vrije radicalen of hormonale verstoringen en is veilig in gebruik.⁠Ethylhexyl Triazone: Een stabiele UV-B-filter die geen vrije radicalen of hormonale verstoringen veroorzaakt, minimale kans op huidirritatie biedt, en niet in de huid wordt opgenomen.Samen bieden deze filters veilige, stabiele en effectieve bescherming tegen de zon.ConclusieDe smeerbaarheid van een dagcrème hangt af van de verschillende ingrediënten in de formulering. Dagcrèmes met SPF bevatten vaak extra componenten, zoals UV-filters en stabilisatoren, die de textuur kunnen veranderen en ervoor zorgen dat ze wat stugger aanvoelen. Hoewel dit soms als een nadeel kan worden ervaren, is het belangrijk te onthouden dat de beschermende werking van SPF cruciaal is voor het behoud van een gezonde, jonge en stralende huid.[1]. Venkatesh S, Reddy R, Rao K, et al. A study on the effect of surfactants and thickening agents on the spreadability of sunscreen formulations. J Cosmet Dermatol. 2020;19(1):88-96.[2]. Addor FAS, Barcaui CB, Gomes EE, Lupi O, Marçon CR, Miot HA. Sunscreen lotions in the dermatological prescription: review of concepts and controversies. An Bras Dermatol. 2022 Mar-Apr;97(2):204-222.[3]. Otberg N, Boehm D, Neuser J, et al. The effect of emulsifier type on the skin absorption of sunscreen agents. J Dermatol Sci. 2020;98(1):10-16.
Roken, Vapen en de Huid.

Roken, Vapen en de Huid.

Roken, Vapen en de Huid: Wat gebeurt er met je huid als je rookt of vapet? Roken is al decennialang een bekende oorzaak van gezondheidsproblemen, maar de invloed van roken op de huid krijgt vaak minder aandacht. En met de opkomst van elektronische sigaretten (e-sigaretten of vapen) is het belangrijker dan ooit om te begrijpen hoe zowel traditionele als moderne rookgewoonten je huid kunnen aantasten. Roken en vapen kunnen schadelijke effecten hebben op de huid, zoals vroegtijdige veroudering, vertraagde wondgenezing en een verhoogd risico op huidaandoeningen. Om dit beter te begrijpen, zijn we dieper in de wetenschappelijke literatuur gedoken.   De effecten van roken op de huid Roken veroorzaakt schade op verschillende niveaus in de huid. Sigarettenrook breekt collageen en elastine af, de eiwitten die verantwoordelijk zijn voor de stevigheid en elasticiteit van de huid. Dit leidt tot vroegtijdige veroudering en rimpelvorming. Vrije radicalen, die worden geproduceerd door de verbranding van tabak, veroorzaken oxidatieve stress, wat betekent dat ze gezonde cellen in de huid beschadigen en hun herstelvermogen verminderen. De huid wordt daardoor kwetsbaarder, dunner en vertoont sneller tekenen van veroudering zoals rimpels, verslapping en een grauwe teint.1    Vapen: Een "veilig" alternatief? E-sigaretten, vaak gepromoot als een veiliger alternatief voor traditionele sigaretten, blijken volgens onderzoek vergelijkbare schadelijke effecten op de huid te hebben. Maar ook vapen kan leiden tot huidproblemen.2 Hoewel e-sigaretten geen verbranding van tabak veroorzaken zoals gewone sigaretten, bevatten ze andere schadelijke chemicaliën die de huid kunnen beschadigen. Bijvoorbeeld, het nicotinegehalte in vapen verstoort de bloedtoevoer naar de huid, wat kan leiden tot een droge, doffe en verouderde huid, net zoals bij traditionele roken.   Slechtere wondgenezing door roken en vapen Zowel sigaretten als e-sigaretten hebben een negatief effect op de genezing van wonden. Roken vermindert de productie van collageen en vertraagt het de migratie van fibroblasten, de cellen die belangrijk zijn voor het herstel van de huid.2 Dit leidt tot langzamere wondgenezing, een verhoogd risico op infecties en kan zelfs leiden tot weefselnecrose (afsterving van huidweefsel) na operaties. Bovendien kunnen rokers meer littekens ontwikkelen door de slechte wondgenezing.   Allergieën en huidirritaties door roken en vapen Een ander minder bekend gevolg van roken is de ontwikkeling van contactallergieën. Sigarettenrook bevat allergenen zoals formaldehyde, menthol en zelfs cacao, die allergische reacties zoals handdermatitis kunnen veroorzaken.2 Dit type huidontsteking komt vooral veel voor bij rokers die met hun handen sigaretten aanraken. E-sigaretten kunnen op hun beurt ook contactallergieën veroorzaken, vooral door metalen zoals nikkel die vaak in de apparaten worden gebruikt. Zo is er ook een casus beschreven waarbij een patiënt met nikkelallergie huiduitslag kreeg door het aanraken van zijn e-sigaret.2   Dermatologische aandoeningen door roken en vapen Naast huidveroudering en slechte wondgenezing, kan roken ook bijdragen aan de ontwikkeling van huidaandoeningen zoals psoriasis, plaveiselcelcarcinoom (PCC), en palmoplantair pustulosis (PPP). Het risico op PCC, een vorm van huidkanker, neemt toe bij rokers.1 De prevalentie van dergelijke huidaandoeningen onder rokers wijst op de grote impact van tabaksgebruik op de algehele huidgezondheid. Dit geldt ook voor vapers, die te maken kunnen krijgen met ontstekingen en huiduitslag door de chemicaliën in e-liquids.2   stoptober Elk jaar in oktober staat de maand in het teken van Stoptober, een campagne die rokers aanmoedigt om 28 dagen lang te stoppen met roken.3 Wat begon in 2012 in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, waar Public Health England het initieerde, is inmiddels uitgegroeid tot een jaarlijks terugkerend evenement in meerdere landen, waaronder Nederland. Sinds 2014 doet Nederland enthousiast mee aan deze uitdaging. Het idee achter Stoptober is simpel maar effectief: als je het lukt om 28 dagen niet te roken, heb je een veel grotere kans om definitief van de sigaretten af te blijven.   Dokter Annemarie de Lind van Wijngaarden, longarts in het HAGA ziekenhuis den Haag, benadrukt dat het nooit te laat is om te stoppen met roken. "Elke sigaret minder is al een winst," stelt zij. Stoppen met roken heeft direct een positief effect op je energie, uithoudingsvermogen, uiterlijk en slaapkwaliteit. Al na 12 weken daalt het risico op een hartaanval en verbetert je longfunctie. Een jaar na het stoppen is het risico op hartziekten gehalveerd, en 10 jaar later is het verhoogde risico op longkanker eveneens gehalveerd. Daarnaast is het van groot belang om gezamenlijk te werken aan een Rookvrije Generatie, stelt De Lind van Wijngaarden. "We hebben allemaal de verantwoordelijkheid om te zorgen dat jongeren en kinderen niet beginnen met roken, want een verslaving is moeilijk om vanaf te komen." Door zelf te stoppen, geef je een goed voorbeeld en bescherm je kinderen tegen de schadelijke effecten van tabak.     Conclusie Het is duidelijk dat zowel sigaretten als e-sigaretten schadelijke effecten hebben op de huid. Ze veroorzaken vroegtijdige veroudering, vertragen wondgenezing en verhogen het risico op huidaandoeningen. Hoewel e-sigaretten vaak worden gezien als een veiliger alternatief voor traditionele sigaretten, blijkt uit onderzoek dat ook vapen negatieve gevolgen heeft voor de huidgezondheid. Het beste wat je kunt doen voor je huid – en je algehele gezondheid – is stoppen met roken en vapen.   Bronnen: 1 Ortiz, A., & Grando, S. A. (2012). Smoking and the skin. International Journal of Dermatology, 51(2), 250-262. 2 Mitri, A., Lin, G., Waldman, R. A., & Grant-Kels, J. M. (2021). Effects of tobacco and vaping on the skin. Clinics in Dermatology, 39(5), 785-792. 3   Met dank aan Annemarie de Lind van Wijngaarden, longarts.
Waarom een Goede Nachtrust Cruciaal is voor je Gezondheid

Why a Good Night's Sleep is Crucial for Your Health

A good night’s sleep isn’t just a luxury, it’s the VIP ticket to a life of vitality and happiness. Science has shown time and again that our nighttime adventures play a major role in how we feel and function. To understand why that beauty sleep is so crucial to our well-being and how it affects our body and mind, we take a deep dive into the world of science. Let’s start with the idea of sleep quality. It’s not just about how long we sleep, but also about how content we are with our overall sleep: how quickly we drift off to dreamland and how often we get up for a bathroom break during the night. A satisfying sleep experience is invaluable to our overall well-being. 1 Another interesting fact about sleep is how it gives our brains an upgrade in memory and learning. During sleep, memories from the day before are stored and our brains get a workout, allowing us to study better and retain that knowledge. 2 But hey, the quality of that good sleep is not to be underestimated when it comes to our well-being. Sleep disorders such as nighttime vomiting and apnea can put a damper on our sleep quality, which emphasizes the importance of good sleep hygiene and a healthy lifestyle. 3 When it comes to a normal night’s sleep, it’s different for everyone. But in an ideal world, we fall asleep like a log, only occasionally disturbed by a persistently buzzing mosquito. However, stress, aches and pains, and poor sleeping habits can throw a spanner in the works. In short, after this short scientific journey of discovery, we can safely say: a good night's sleep is the key to a vibrant life full of health and happiness. Let's understand these complex sleep processes and focus on healthy sleep habits for a vital and balanced life. So, let's all pay a little extra attention to our sleep - for a healthier and happier life! References: Nelson KL, Davis JE, Corbett CF. Sleep quality: An evolutionary concept analysis. Nurs Forum. 2022 Jan;57(1):144-151. doi: 10.1111/nuf.12659. Epub 2021 Oct 5. PMID: 34610163. Acosta MT. Sleep, memory and learning. PMID: 31603840. Baranwal N, Yu PK, Siegel NS. Sleep physiology, pathophysiology, and sleep hygiene. Prog Cardiovasc Dis. 2023 Mar-Apr;77:59-69. doi: 10.1016/j.pcad.2023.02.005. Epub 2023 Feb 24. PMID: 36841492.
De Comeback van de Scrunchie: Een Nostalgisch Mode-icoon

The Comeback of the Scrunchie: A Nostalgic Fashion Icon

Scrunchies are not only stylish, but also practical. They keep your hair out of your face during your daily facial care and look great as a bun or headband. Our scrunchies, made of Mulberry 22 silk, ensure that your hair stays healthy and looks beautiful. No damage, no metal, no dents and no wrinkles.
Micellair water, wat is dat nou eigenlijk?

Micellar water, what is it exactly?

Micellar water comes from the word micelles, and the word micelle is derived from the Latin micella, from mica (grain). Micellar water is water with tiny droplets of oil suspended in it. But why is it such an effective cleanser? To understand, we need to look at the chemistry behind it.
BAKR&BERG in Vereniging van Jonge Apothekers Magazine

Bakr&Berg in Association of Young Pharmacists Magazine

Almost a year ago, after a long preparation process, we launched our skincare brand Bakr&Berg. After an incredibly fun and educational time, we proudly share an article about Bakr&Berg in the magazine of the VJA (association of young pharmacists). In the article you can read how our scientific knowledge, clinical experience and shared passion for beauty have formed the basis of our beautiful brand. Read the article from the VJA Magazine below In addition to our work as a pharmacist and general practitioner, we, Sawen Bakr and Margreeth van den Berg, have always had a passion for skincare and cosmetics. The dream of developing our own skincare line regularly surfaced. Through our scientific knowledge, clinical experience and shared passion for beautiful skincare products, we found each other. We joined forces and founded the brand Bakr&Berg, a unique skincare brand that is specially designed for the self-conscious woman or man who cares about their skin and health and loves quality and beautiful things in life. Bakr&Berg in a nutshell: Skin care with a medical twist for people who care about their skin and health, but do not blindly grab a product from the shelves. And last but not least: A touch of gold! How it all started It started with a passion. With theoretical knowledge, clinical experience and above all a great personal interest, the idea quickly developed into a plan. We developed the plan through brainstorming sessions, consultations with various parties involved and a great deal of market research. From the very beginning, we have paid a lot of attention to the development process of our products. Where we lacked knowledge, we have brushed it up. The development process often goes ten steps forward and then eight steps back, but in the end it is the result that counts! We have created formulas that are fully supported by our scientific knowledge and clinical experience. With this we have developed formulas and combinations of ingredients that do exactly what they promise. Sustainable entrepreneurship as a conscious choice The process of developing a skincare line involved more than we initially thought. In addition to developing the formulas, we were confronted with the business side and became familiar with the world of materials and packaging. Sustainability and veganism are aspects that we wanted to implement in our products. However, finding suitable packaging turned out to be quite a challenge. We never thought that it would be such a long, but especially interesting process to find the perfect packaging for our products. We are very aware of the surplus of plastic in the throwaway culture in which we live. Even with our products, there comes a time when they run out and the empty packaging ends up in the trash. That is why we really wanted to package our products in bioplastic and sat down with numerous producers (virtually) to ultimately find packaging material that is 100% recyclable. We ultimately opted for cane sugar plastic, a bioplastic that is completely recyclable. This was very important to us. Sugarcane is molecularly identical to oil-based plastic. It was essential that the packaging met the correct requirements of the Food and Drug Administration, as well as European guidelines and legislation. That is why many tests were carried out, which resulted in the 100% recyclable packaging, which has a CO2 footprint that is 50% less than that of normal plastic. For our first launched products we have chosen 75ml tubes, because this has proven to be a handy size from the market research we have done. It is compact and easy to carry, making it suitable for daily use or on the go. It is a nice size that contains enough volume for use over a certain period of time without being too big or unwieldy. Another important aspect of Bakr&Berg is that our products are registered in the G-standard. This gives pharmacists and doctors confidence to offer them in pharmacies. For now, Bakr&Berg is currently available in a select number of clinics and pharmacies in the Netherlands, but our goal is to expand this. This ambition goes hand in hand with the commitment to sustainability. Bakr&Berg will continue to consciously choose sustainable processes and materials. We are constantly developing new products and are looking forward to the further growth of Bakr&Berg and the expansion of our range. Our ambition is to be able to offer Bakr&Berg products to every woman and/or man worldwide.
Help! Droge handen in de winter! Wat kan ik doen?

Help! Dry hands in winter! What can I do?

Although this winter can't really be called wintery, many people still suffer from chapped, dry, tight and even painful hands. Especially if you wash your hands often or are outside a lot, you can hardly avoid it. A good hand cream is therefore a real must for everyone. First of all for soft, supple hands, but of course also because it is simply wonderful to smear with a nice hand cream. How do dry and painful hands develop? Our hands have to endure a lot when it gets colder or when you wash your hands often. Think of cold air when it is freezing, but also the heater plays a role, oh and what about washing your hands often?! All factors that can cause rough, dry and painful skin with cracks in the worst case. Dry air is a common cause of (too) dry hands. In winter, the heating is turned on again and the windows are opened less often. The humidity in the house decreases. You will probably recognize it: after a wonderful night's sleep with the window slightly open, you turn on the heating. Lovely of course, but you can quickly suffer from tight and taut skin. Our hands are especially sensitive to this. If it is also freezing outside, all hell breaks loose. Super nasty, because cracks in the dry skin of your hands is really no fun. Tip. Turn the heating down a degree and also open the window a crack regularly on cold days. In addition to humidity, there is another important cause of dry hands, namely washing hands (with soap). Since the pandemic, we have been repeatedly told that we should wash our hands often and for as long as possible. Of course, this is good for fighting the virus, but it is disastrous for the skin of your hands. There is hardly anyone who has not suffered from washing hands too much. The more you wash your hands, the more you need to take care of them with a moisturizing hand cream. As we have all learned, soap is important in killing viruses, so unfortunately we are stuck with it. Tip. Don't shower too long and especially not too hot! Although it can be wonderful sometimes, it is really not good for your skin. Not only for the skin of your hands, but of your entire body! How do I prevent dry and chapped hands?! Applying hand cream to your hands is wonderful all year round, but it is a must during the winter months. Start applying it before you get any complaints. That way, you can prevent the discomfort. Add applying hand cream to your morning routine and repeat during the day after washing your hands. A small amount is enough to keep your hands supple and soft all day long. Hydrating hand cream from Bakr&Berg Bakr&Berg has developed a super fine hand cream, made from natural products. The hand cream makes your hands super soft and the scent is also delicious. Some of the ingredients of our cream are acadamia oil, olive oil and schizophyllan. These ingredients may not mean anything to you, but we can promise you that these ingredients each ensure that your skin feels supple and soft. Our hand cream comes in a nice tube (made of bioplastic) that also looks super nice. So nice to put in your bathroom or to put in your bag for on the go. Bakr&Berg Moisturizing hand cream | 75ML | €21
The Countdown has begun! Wat zijn jouw goede voornemens?

The Countdown has begun! What are your New Year's resolutions?

The week between Christmas and New Year's Eve is always a bit special. A lot of people have a day off and everything is a bit quiet. You are still full from all the food from Christmas and you are already baking oliebollen for New Year's Eve. There is also a lot of thinking going on during these days. Events from the past year regularly flash through your thoughts. With a laugh and a tear you look back on all the special moments. The Bakr&Berg team has faced challenges, but there were also successes, because the first products have been launched and our retinol cream and hydrating hand cream were received with great enthusiasm! In short, enough moments to reflect on, but let's not forget to look ahead! 2023 let's go! A new year means many new opportunities. Will this be the year that you: Going to chase your dreams? Are you going to tackle your lifestyle? What would you rather do for yourself? Want to spend more time with your loved one? Want to get fitter? Do you want to focus more and especially better on skin care? We could go on like this for a while, because everyone has his or her own priorities and wishes. It takes a lot of perseverance to make your resolutions actually work. Did you know that 25% of good intentions are thrown overboard during the first 2 weeks? Ultimately, only 10% of people stick to their good intentions. Not very encouraging when you read this, but persistence pays off! To help you out a little, here are 5 tips to make your New Year's resolutions a success: Don't aim too high. The intentions must be realistic and achievable. Tell someone about your New Year's resolutions (but don't shout it from the rooftops). This can be a good incentive. Write down your intentions and describe what you need to do to achieve them. Step by step. Set some goals in mind, but don't try to do everything at once. For example, start by snacking less in the evening and schedule that first yoga class 2 weeks later. Don't be too hard on yourself. If you can't do it right now, no problem, tomorrow is another day! Resolution number 1: Better skincare At Bakr&Berg we hope that one of your good intentions is to improve the condition of your skin. This does not only mean removing your make-up every night. Therefore, some tips to start the kick off of 2023 with a healthy skin. Keep it clean! Cleanse your skin thoroughly twice a day (morning and evening). Use the right products for this and especially no cleansing cloth. Start with a good lotion to remove the make-up (residue), then wash your face with a cleanser and finish with a splash of cold water in your face. Dry your face well with a clean towel and you are ready for the day or for a wonderful night's sleep. Use the right products! Choose care products that match your skin type. Dive into the ingredients list and choose the product that suits your needs. Our retinol cream is suitable for all skin types, so here's a big fat tip ;-). Live a healthy lifestyle! Good nutrition and a healthy lifestyle also contribute to healthy skin. Smile! Stress is very bad for the condition of the skin. Many people get acne during stressful periods and poor sleep - which is often the result of stress - does the skin little good either. Let it go and smile! Then you are at your most beautiful! And now it's time to close out the year and put the champagne on ice. Stay tuned, because 2023 is full of crazy product launches. Enjoy New Year's Eve & don't forget to sparkle and shine! Love, Bakr&Berg
Bakr&Berg ❤ Bioplastic

Bakr&Berg ❤ Bioplastic

The process of developing a cosmetics brand is not just about developing the products themselves. Of course, this is the most fun process for us, because as beauty lovers in heart and soul with the drive to bring scientifically proven products with a luxurious look to the market, this is what it is all about. We never expected that finding the perfect packaging for our products would be a long and interesting process. What started with many ideas and sketches has ultimately continued in a long and educational process. We are very aware of the plastic surplus in the throwaway culture in which we live. Although our products last a long time, there comes a time when they have to be replaced and the old packaging ends up in the trash. Bioplastic it is! So we really wanted to package products in bioplastic and that is why we sat down with many producers (virtually) to ultimately find packaging material that is 100% recyclable. We ultimately chose cane sugar plastic, a bioplastic that is completely recyclable. Something that is very important to us. What is sugar cane? First of all, it is important to know that plastic made from sugar cane is qualitatively just as good as the oil-based plastic that we all know. Sugar cane is molecularly identical to oil-based plastic. In addition, the production of sugar cane is a sustainable process that even generates energy. Sugar cane also grows again every year for 10 years. Here are some more advantages of sugarcane plastic: Sugar cane is 100% recyclable and you throw the waste in the plastic bin Sugar cane processing requires less water and energy The CO2 footprint of sugar cane plastic is more than 50% less than normal plastic
Gezonde voeding voor een stralende huid

Healthy food for a radiant skin

Carrots for healthy eyes, healthy snacks, eat an apple, lots of water for a radiant skin and ginger tea to stop that nasty sore throat. From childhood we are taught that healthy food is important for almost everything. We also hear a lot of tips and tricks about the skin, but what is true and what is not? Medical researcher Selma Mekic from the Department of Dermatology at Erasmus MC conducted research and studied over 2753 Rotterdam 50-plussers. The doctor investigated the relationship between wrinkles and eating habits of both men and women. For this, she used a 3D camera that mapped the depth of the wrinkles. All participants also had to keep a precise record of what they ate and drank. THE ANSWER The results of the research were both surprising and confirming. Healthy nutrition does indeed contribute to good skin condition, but not for everyone. In men, no difference was seen. The diet of the participating men in the research said nothing about the amount and depth of the wrinkles. In women, on the other hand, it is extremely important to eat fruit, vegetables and fish and to watch out for (red) meat, sugars, saturated fats and alcohol. Women with a healthy diet had significantly fewer and less deep wrinkles. JUST LEAVE THAT WINE And now for a less pleasant message. You can eat as healthy as you like, but if you regularly drink a glass of wine, all the good effects of healthy food will disappear like snow in the sun. Alcohol nullifies the effect of healthy food when it comes to wrinkle formation. HEALTHY LIFE, HEALTHY SKIN This study has shown that healthy food keeps your skin young for longer, provided you do not drink too much alcohol. In addition, healthy food is of course good for the entire body. So look for healthy recipes that you will also enjoy and eat yourself beautiful! Source: Mekić S, Jacobs LC, Hamer MA, Ikram MA, Schoufour JD, Gunn DA, Kiefte-de Jong JC, Nijsten T. A healthy diet in women is associated with less facial wrinkles in a large Dutch population-based cohort. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2019 May;80(5):1358-1363.e2.
Wat zijn rimpels en wat kun je er aan doen

What are wrinkles and what can you do about them?

Back in the days when we still had smooth baby skins, we associated wrinkles with cute old grannies in a cozy flower dress including gray hairdo. The folds in the skin - which wrinkles actually are - were still a far cry from our bed show. This has changed in the meantime and we know that we have to treat and care for our skin with the utmost care. In this blog we will tell you what wrinkles are and what you can do about them to keep a smooth skin for as long as possible. What are wrinkles? As you get older, the elasticity of your skin decreases. The decrease in elasticity has everything to do with the stagnation of collagen and elastin production and a lack of moisture. Due to the lack of collagen and elastin, the skin becomes slacker and thinner over time. This eventually causes folds in the skin, which we call wrinkles. Whether and when you get wrinkles is basically determined genetically. People with few wrinkles literally have good genes. Fortunately, you don't have to leave it entirely to fate, because there are also many external factors that influence whether or not you get wrinkles. What helps against wrinkles If we are to believe all the advertisements, wrinkles should no longer exist. Unfortunately, it is not that simple and those annoying little folds are stubborn buggers. However, we can do a lot to delay the appearance of wrinkles as long as possible and to reduce wrinkles that have already appeared. Healthy food. Eating varied and healthy food has a great influence on the elasticity of the skin. So avoid junk food as much as possible and go for lots of vegetables, little sugar and lots of vitamins. But don't overdo it on the healthy diet and also sink your teeth into a hamburger every now and then, because stress is also not good for the skin. Every fiber in your body and therefore also the skin, reacts badly to stress. Think of a beauty routine that suits your skin and stick to it. Good skin care is extremely important and should never be neglected. So NEVER go to sleep without having properly cleansed your skin. Quit smoking! Get rid of it and never touch it again. Smoking makes the skin dry and gray, and wrinkles appear many years earlier than necessary. Use UV protection every day (even when there is no sun to be seen). Excessive exposure to the sun is not only life-threatening, but also a real no-go for wrinkles. Keep your body and skin healthy by using the right nutritional supplements. Choose a day cream with retinol. You can read more about this in the blog: retinol, what is it and why is it so important?! Visit a skin specialist. There are various treatments such as peels and micro needling that are effective in helping with wrinkles. Botox and fillers. Whether you are a fan or a big opponent… Botox and fillers help against wrinkles. Period. Sleep! We all know that a good night's sleep is good for your health, but did you know that your skin also benefits from it? While you sleep, your body works hard to recover and save what can be saved. Your skin also gets its turn. Pay attention to your sleeping position, because sleeping on your side or stomach can cause wrinkles. Sleeping on your back it is ;-). You are beautiful Of course we are all more or less concerned with our beauty ideals, but don't forget to enjoy yourself and be yourself. A wrinkle more or less does not make you a less beautiful person. You are beautiful just the way you are!